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When you find underground Minecraft base, but this kid exposes SECRET redstone DOOR!
I found this kids old school Minecraft base.. then he exposed a secret redstone door!
I found this kids underground Minecraft base.. then his redstone exposed a secret room!
I found a HIDDEN Minecraft base but the kid was a Total GENIUS...
I found this kids secret Minecraft base.. then his redstone exposed a hidden doorway!
I found this kids Minecraft base filled with Redstone Contraptions and this was inside...
this Minecraft base had a hidden lever that exposed a secret redstone door!
I found this kids old school Minecraft base.. then his friend exposed a secret doorway!
the most hidden- hidden base.
I found a Minecraft Base but the kid EXPOSED a SECRET Basement...
This Kids Secret Minecraft Base was filled with HIDDEN GEMS...
i found a SECRET Minecraft Base.. owner exposes HIDDEN redstone